Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It's happening again! ...

Over two years of trying to conceive, many OBGYN appointments, many lab draws, many negative HCG (Pregnancy) test's, many ovulation tests, Two rounds of Clomid (fertility drugs), many prayers, many well wished comments and questions......

I am proud to say I got a positive HCG test! I was excited! I showed John and he seemed less than convinced by the "second line" (it was very very light) but I could see it....

I immediately called and made an appointment with the Dr. for some early tests (due to my history of a miscarriage they said we could test early make sure things are developing in a timely manor). They scheduled a Quantitative HCG which measure the specifics amounts of the hormon, it's a two part test they draw blood once then wait 48Hrs and do it again. If the test is good your levels should double every 48 hours. I went in that day of course to get my blood drawn my level was a 76, then waiting the two days was really hard... lots of distractions aka reading and the Superbowl.... Then we got the results for the second test 181 ! it more than doubled! ( it went up 138%) I was really excited still, John was still unsure, I don't blame him I was farther along last time when I miscarried. He is trying to guard his emotions, "just in case".

After talking to the nurse and getting some reassuring words that my levels are fantastic and that I'm probably about 4-5 weeks along we were both in better spirits and we scheduled my 8 week appointment for the 21st of this month today only a few more weeks til that. Things are so surreal right now.... because I feel like only me and my Dr. are aware I'm pregnant (we told our families right away last time). I think it's good though it'll help time go by faster and be more exciting with each reassurance (seeing the Dr., the first ultrasound, the heartbeat, the weeks when it's finally "safe" to announce your pregnant).

I'll keep you posted with each new development! Next post will be after our first appointment with Dr. Drew's and our first ultrasound :)

In the mean time you can follow my virtual progress through this link shows the size and other major landmarks of my pregnancy!


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