But here's my recap from my last recap in April... 2013
April - We celebrated our two year anniversary
May- I worked my last shift at the call center (Us Air Filtration) where I was the manager. I shut down our branch that didn't work out stayed until the bitter end and even sold all of our office furniture as you may remember if you follow me on facebook.

Started a my new and current job at Intermountain Healthcare, Utah Valley Regional Hospital, Emergency Room as a Health Unit Coordinator aka a HUC or secretary.

It's amazing I love working in the E.R. ! I work in the midst of the department at the nurses station and input orders, exams and labs into the computer, fax, copy and break down medical charts. I love my job and it has reignited my passion for learning and healthcare.
The Summer-
July- Had our hawks family reunion

In July/August we had an amazing opportunity to travel to the east coast well amazing for me, my husband is from New Hampshire so for him it was just going home. We stayed with my in-laws and they even flew us out and continued to feed us at their home and restuarants. It felt like we were getting the royal treatment not having to pay for anything!
We spent lots of time in Merrimack New Hampshire and surrounding towns such as Nashua and Manchester where the air port is. Then we spent two days in Boston! that was lots of fun.

Portsmouth, NH

King Kone, Merrimack, NH

Mt. Washington, NH

Boston, MA

Duck Tour

Authentic Spaghetti and sausage in downtown Boston AKA "Little Italy".

Lots of Mini golf!
In August -Went to my cousin Stephens farwell and met up with some family.

September- 13th a sad reunion for us. 23rd we celebrated John's birthday! I made him cinnamon rolls for breakfast I also made him homemade ravioli from scratch! (both for the first time) and they turned out really good :)

October - 18th
I was working my normal 12 hour shift of 5pm-5am (0500-1700) and around 11 that night I started feeling really sick I just figured I maybe had a stomach bug or food poisoning. After frequent trips to the bathroom I thought well things are winding down at work so I should be able to make it through. At 1:00am my co-worker goes home and then I am the only one in the department that can order exams and labs. Around 2am the pain was unbearable and I was stuck in the bathroom I had to text my co-worker who had just left an hour earlier and beg him to come back in luckily Robert is the nicest guy and also the lead HUC so he came back in and finished my shift for me. I finally emerged from the bathroom and decided I was going to just go home and recover. But since I told my symptoms to a Dr. I work with he said well lets check you out real quick before you go home. I was worried it may have been something with my ovaries since we had started doing fertility treatments. After a physical exam of my stomach, aka him pushing on my lower right abdomen and causing me to almost jump off the bed from pain he said you're not going home we need to admit you I suspect it's your appendix. After changing into a gown and having a fellow co-work, katie place an IV in my arm, weird... My veins were promptly filled with Dilodid (a strong narcotic pain med) and that's when I decided I should probably call my husband. It's now 3am I was lucky he answered his phone, John was very confused. "Hey hon so I am being admitted to the hospital, I'm in the ER right now." Seeing as I work in the ER this didn't immediately alarm him but after he woke up a little more and I explained what was going on and he said "wait so do you want me to come over there, cause you have the car?" Luckily we only live about a block from the hospital so my saint of a husband walked in the freezing october night to come sit by my side. while I waited for him to arrive the charge nurse Neesha and our Therapist Travis popped there head in my room to inform me I wasn't going to get any pain meds and that they were going to admit me to the Psych floor for two and not to fight them. Ha that gave me a good laugh it was an interesting experience seeing as I knew everyone who was taking care of me. I had an excellent nurse Brannon. They rushed me to CT upon meeting the CT tech Blaine I said "Hey it's great to finally put a face to the name" seeing as he looked confused I further explained that I work in the ER so I talk to him on the phone on a daily basis. I think he was glad I wasn't just a weird stoker of a patient. After the results I was diagnosed with Appendicitis and an enlarged ovarian cyst! They soon admitted me up to the floor it was now around 4am so that is a pretty good turn around for the ER. I was sent up to 6th floor the surgical recovery floor. After even more meds then had me take a shower which is pretty difficult with an IV in your arm pumping you full of drugs luckily John was there to make sure I didn't fall in the shower. After that I slept and John tried to in the chair I felt bad knowing he had class in a couple of hours. Once they took me into the OR around 9am John slipped away to class during my surgery. I was very confused when I woke up in a completly different room but they said I did well and wasn't aggressive. I had to stay in the hospital until I was able to pee which doesn't sound that hard but after they cut your insides up it messes with you and it's really difficult. I also had to make some laps around the nurses station. I got to order some food and that was pretty sweet the hospital has really good food! It took me about 4 weeks of sitting at home and daily walks to the park with my vising teacher Jen to recover enough to return to work, and about 6 weeks to were I felt I could wear tight pants and do a sit up without pain. My incisions are only about a cm wide and only one is really noticeable now pretty crazy.
***(disclaimer if you can't handle any internal anatomy don't view the photo's below they contain screen shots from my surgery)
My very large Appendix is seen below.
My Ovary is the white and the cyst is best seen in the 2nd picture (on the left)
Flowers from some surprise visitors Aunt Traci and cousin Jessica and Grandma and Grandpa Church
In December my brother Taylor was my date to my work bowling party at fatcats. We had costa Vida and played many a games. I also won four camping chairs for getting a strike :) It was a fun night!
Brittany and I at Jessica's Bridal shower, we also went to her Bachlorette and Wedding.
New Year's Eve we were going to hang out with our good friends Tara and Tyson but last minute plans were canceled due to ill children. So we ended up going over to Tyler and Ashley's to play games it was so much fun! It was also nice and refreshing to talk to someone who has been down the infertility road (it took them 8 years!) and came out with a baby :)
More to come soon ! 2013 was a crazy year onto 2014! Thanks for reading
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