We got to see our little miracle today :) I'm 9 weeks gestation today and baby has double in size since our last visit! He/ or She is the size of a grape! You could actually start to see the shape of a baby on the screen instead of just a little dot. I could see the head and the body and one leg that the had stretched out. It started to feel SO real today it keeps hitting me in waves, you're pregnant no really this is happening... you are having a baby kind of hard to wrap my head around sometimes. It's been difficult not to share with the family, John almost spilled the beans the other day when we were giving my sister a ride home started talking about wondering if the Dr. would screen me for gestational diabetes the next apt.... and this was after she had already pick up I was nauseous and not feeling lol. Luckily my sister didn't pick up on anything or maybe she just didn't hear us in the back seat ha woops... I want to tell my mother the most! I talked to her for a while yesterday and just wanted to talk baby stuff but alas had to say no "nothing new here". We decided we are going to announce next month when I'm about 14 Weeks we have a family gathering every first sunday of the month and so we'll announce then. I'm most excited to tell my immediate family in person though.
We started to take photos of me so we can keep track of my progression my body is deffinetly noticebly changing glad we got some pictures early on and we'll do them every four weeks or so.
I'll probably write again after our next appointment around 12 weeks along. Scheduled for April 9th. Until next time, thanks for reading!

See the link for more info on how my little grape is growing!
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