Update since the end of February.
Went to Ruby's baby blessing on the 4th ( she was then almost 2 months ) now she is over 3 months old (birthday Jan. 11th). That was a wonder experience, since Tyson is just from West Jordan, UT the turn out of family was large especially those who participated in the blessing circle, John was invited as well. I love the sight of a very welcomed baby. It was good to see Tara's family again the kids always look so much older as Ruth said (Tara's mom, not child) "It's been a baby ago since we've seen you". Ruth was almost 2 years old at this point so it had been a while.

My cousin Jake got his mission call to Spain. Unfortunately we were unable to attend the celebratory call opening party. Grandma and Grandpa officially resigned from doing fast Sunday dinners cause they are tired, and I respect that.
Went running with Tara a few times, (this has since fizzled out for me anyways) She is prepping for a marathon! Her first, I am very proud of my best friend. I also started going back to Zumba, I don't think I've taught a class since though, I just haven't quite gotten back to where I was before things.
I got my wisdom teeth out on the 15th of March, figured I'd be totally better by my birthday on the 23rd, false lol. It took me about 9-10 days to be back to eating solids and completely off medication it helped a lot when they removed my stitches which didn't dissolve on their own, they were trapping food, and not being able to Swish for a week really sucks.

Celebrated my birthday with everyone but John (he was boycotting until I was better) So Brian, Traci, Trevor, Brittany, Taylor and Mom and Dad, we don't mess around with family gatherings. First though Britt and mom took me out to lunch to Zupas, opened some presents from mom and ate some lovely soup. We then went to Draper to see Brittany and Loren's new home, super cute. We then hot tubed for a little while then I threw a skirt on and got picked up by my freshman year roommate Lacee, don't think I've seen her since my marriage almost 2 years ago, it was wonderful. We awkwardly caught up on the drive down from Draper to Pleasant Grove. Facebook makes it hard to have things to talk about when you already know everything..... So we jammed to some lovely tunes and arrived shortly to Lainey's wedding reception. We ate some lovely crapes (the most solid of food so far for me, I swallowed them whole) and caught up with Lainey it was fun we stayed until they started cleaning things up. Then Lacee took me to my grandma's cause it was right there. and due to some miss communication on my part I hung out with Grandma for a while whilst I waited for someone to come pick me up. It was nice, it's not very often that you get to hang out with one grandparent one on one. We chatted for a good hour I learned how grandma and grandpa met and it was nice.

Later the a for mentioned group met up at Brian and Traci's for some snacks and chatting until the movie (I couldn't participate in the snacking :( ) Then we went to the movies. Well we tried, the first theater we got to we realized that there were not enough open seats for out large crowd so we went to a theater off the beaten track (the wynnsong) and waited in the lobby for at least an hour, but Taylor bought me a sweet peach smoothy so it was all worth it.We saw "Oz - the great and powerful" in 3D It was amazing! Even though I almost had to buy my own ticket ha ha ... Britt bought my mom and dad cause she owed them and so I was next in line and my dad says "hey we already got tickets", I assuming he meant including yours, I said, "oh cool" then he said "oh... we didn't buy yours.... just everybody else's..." Ha Britt felt bad so like a nice sister bought mine as well. I do enjoy the unwritten rule of you don't pay for things on your birthday. It was well worth the wait, we were the only one's in the theater, and my family loves to talk during movies so it was good there wasn't anyone to shush us or throw popcorn at us.
Almost a week later on the 29th - John and I celebrated my birthday. It was nice I'm glad we waited. I played hooky from work, slept in picked up some Little Caesars pizza for lunch then caught a matinee of the Host, I liked it and John said he liked it better than any of the twilight movies and he laughed at the "sappy love lines" I however love cheesy and romantic movies so i thoroughly enjoyed it. We then drove to PG and caught a second feature at the discount water gardens theater it was only $3.50 and saw Warm Bodies while eating left over bread sticks and LOVED this movie and so did John which is impressive because we have very different movie tastes. John said it easily made his top 5 movies. Then we drove back to Provo for dinner at Chilli's because we had gift cards from Taylor. We didn't have the best experience, unfortunately, but that's okay. Then we walked around the new Dicks sporting goods store for a while and drove home and crashed on the couched, having fun is tiring.
The next day Ann and Megan flew in to town, so John and I took the train into Murray and we spent the day with Ann and Grandpa Mac went to lunch at Famous Dave's (since I-hop, one of grandpa's staples was super busy). It was a first time experience, I'd never been to Famous Dave's before, it was well worth the lack of wait, amazing! We ordered so much food that they brought it out on a trash can lid and it was like a mini family buffet fantastic idea. Ribs, brisket?, i think, super moist corn bread muffins, a whole chick, the best fries I've had thus far, and coleslaw. Grandpa demanded we (John & I) take all the left overs which means we would be set for a few meals. Johns family likes to go out to eat like mine like's to go to the movies, so frequently.
Then we went home and chatted with Grandpa and Ann for a while it was nice we learned some new stories about grandpa then we left to go see the other grandpa Braunberger and use his fridge to store our leftovers. We chatted with grandpa a little then went mini golfing. That was pretty fun. Ann won once then John another time. I however got owned both times ha but the bantering was excellent.

Next we made our way to the Braunberger Easter dinner celebration, met up with Megan there, she had been at the color festival. We got to hide the 100 eggs for the little kids it was fun to watch them search. Although they didn't have to very hard in the courtyard, most of them were on the ground. Then Ann and Megan drove us home, even though Megan just wanted to hang with her college friends. We forced her into having fun with us, which she did. We played speed Uno which was pretty intense but very entertaining, lots of laughter. We McIntyre's are all pretty competitive.
On Sunday (Easter) we had dinner at Tara and Tyson's that was really fun spending time with their girls and hanging out with another couple our age. Tyson showed us some funny YouTube videos and the boys were laughing so hard I thought they were going to wet themselves.
On Monday while John went to school I skipped work again and took the train north for a girls day. We went to visit grandpa and wait for everybody else to show up, Shari, Carol and their daughters and Wayne and Shauna, we all took grandpa to Olive garden for lunch then went shopping. It was good to have some girl bonding time. They put me on a train and I took a "layover" in draper and spent a few hours with Brittany then went home. Since I needed someone to pick me up from the train station and John was in class. I had lots of people offer but by that time I was already in draper. Went to the mall with britt that was fun.
Megan spent the day with John and I and spent the night then we took her to the MTC on Wednesday. The 3rd of April.

Only Thursday drove up to Sandy with my brother to go to my cousin Stephen's mission call opening party- Spain. We jammed to sweet tunes on the way up and talked of life.

That weekend was Conference weekend 5-7 mom,dad, Russ, Karen and their family (minus Shauna and Steve) It was fun to have everybody all together. My mom picked me up after watching conference with John. And we spent a little one on one time got some soda's because mom is always prepared with refill cups. We caught up and chatted as we made our way back to grandma's on Saturday just to hang out. John had been feeling sick and so he stayed home. We watched some old home videos of the older cousins when we all lived in Washington, they were all pretty cute Taylor wasn't even born so these were pretty old videos, the next day Brian and Traci brought videos and we were in one of them I was wearing a nice silk pink barbie night gown. My parents and everybody left Sunday afternoon so I got to nurse John back to health.
Karen pulled me aside and shared some kind words and personal similar experiences and I am grateful to her for that, she is such a sweetheart.
We also got the approval to go ahead and start trying again recently and since we now know I only ovulate 6 times a year it has been our practice to use ovulation tests luckily john found 50 for $20 on Amazon + 20 pregnancy tests. We just ordered a second bag cause in our what is now over a year over trying we used them all.
Even though we've had the clear since about the 23rd of march we won't be able to take a test til about the second week of May. Here's to hoping, our fingers are crossed.
* Disclaimer - John and I have decided this time around to wait to tell anyone if we are blessed with another child, until the riskiest part of the pregnancy is over and we've heard the heartbeat so about 10-14 weeks in.